I am happy to have found a job I love...even though I have an hour and half commute to get to it. I have just completed orientation to be a hospice nurse for Visiting Nurse Assoc. of Greater St. Louis...who I worked for for about 15 years when I lived in St. Louis previously. When I see patients, I will get paid by the patient so my hours will be my own and I won't have to fight rush hour traffic to and from St. Louis. I think I will find it very rewarding. I am only going to work one or two days a week.
We have started decorating this old house for Christmas and it has been fun. We don't have too much outside except for lights....and lots and lots of candles inside. But I plan to go to after Christmas sales and stock up on bargains for next year's decorating! My sister and family are coming for Christmas from Maine....and we are sooo excited to have them here! Then two of my three brothers and families and are coming to join us for New Years. Also we will host get togethers with the kids and grandkids and some of our wonderful friends, so the holidays here in Owensville will be very special for the Balluffs! We wish everyone who follows our blog a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Will post pics of holiday gatherings after...and I promise to keep it going in 2010! Please keep in touch with us!!!
Everything looks terrific--especially the stairs. Our 17 year old tree and 8 year old poinsettias are looking a bit frayed, but the ornaments (some) are 50 years old.